Taiwan trip Day 01
Taiwan taiwan taiwaaaaaaaaan!
Lol, i thought i would be so excited until i can't fall asleep and stuff,
but i didn't feel exceptionally jumpy or anything
right until we stepped into the airport,
then the reality really hit me, 7 days without working,
shooooooopping shopping play, eat, sleep, shit!
Had Popeye before the flight! I love the fries!

YAY! ^-^

Taking the "toy plane" ~

Lol, the electronic toys looks super.. wtf?
Looks like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuurby!

I don't understand how he can sleep like that!

Fluffy clouds!
i got so bored that i woke boyf up to play with me!
4hours in the plane is already unbearable for me,
how am i going to fly elsewhere!

Lol, boyf was 01 "leg" away from being "hanged"! LOUSY!
Finaaaaaally! Our first glimpse of the island
i've been looking forward to setting my foot on for moooooonths! :D

Hehehe, at Taiwan's airport.
Omg, i think the custom staff are really inefficient,
they take gazilliooooooon years, unlike singapore!

Wanted to take the GuoGuang bus to Taipei main station,
but when i stepped out of the airport
we got psychoed to take a cab by the cab driver!
The cab fare from TaoYuan Airport to Neijiang Hotel
is NT1100 = 50SGD!
Lol, partly because we're very bored from sitting in the plane,
and i was dying to go to the hotel and drop my luggage
and go shopping at Xi Men Ding already! :D
But we really didnt regret taking his cab,
Super good service! While we were taking the lift,
He have already dragged our luggage
and ran to his cab to load our luggage 1st.
He was super friendly and nice luh!
Not like those black face taxi driver you see in singapore.
Throughout the 40 mins journey from the airport to the hotel,
he kept introducing places to us to go, keep chit chatting to us and stuff!
For the whole 7 day trip we stayed at Nei Jiang Hotel
Which is like less than 5 mins walk to crowded Xi Men Ding!
NT$1380 for weekday & NT$1580 for weekend
Tel: 02-2381-2148
This hotel has a new wing and old wing,
heard that it has just completed renovating last year,
and i requested for the new wing when we called the hotel for booking!

Muahahaha, finally chuck our luggage in the hotel room
and we headed out to Xi Men Ding for dinner and shopping!

Lol, i've no idea what is that i'm eating as well,
Some sort of sesame paste in jelly thingy? but it's pretty yummy!

Boyf finaaaaaally got to eat his long awaited Lu Rou Fan.
Omg, he's been yakkking oooon and ooooon, endlessly
about how fantastic it is ever since he came back
from taiwan last summer.
After dinner, went to find 7-11 store to collect my payeasy loots!
Ordered my red wine essence to stock up!
Then we shopping and boyf gotta go sssssssshit.
Argh, i swear his intestines are like, prolly 10cm short.
Everytime he eats, after awhile, HE GOTTA SHIT!
And we went to the nearby cinema toilet,
and just look at their handicap toilet...

It's sooooooo tiny YOU KNOW!
You can't really see from this picture.
But when i sat down on the toilet bowl,
my knees are like hitting the toilet DOOR already,
and my legs are exactly VERY LONG LOR.

oAnd when i stand but to button my pants
i can't even really look down and see,
cos my head will hit the door!
Wth, so tiny, how does the handicap use this toilet lor?!
Shopped for abit more and went back to the hotel!
Bought a casual grey vest, cute lacey umbrella, BLIIIIINGGGS,
some of my favourite lipbalms!

My favourite drink! It's only NT20, so, less that SGD1!
So much entertaining talk shows like kang xi lai le at 12pm and
Da Xue Shen Le Ma? keeping us entertaining
after we're back from shoppppping!
Hehehe, will be slowly blogging the trip from day 1 - 7
one post at a time! Got lots to blog about!
My new pretty nails by Milly's, my birthday etc!
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